Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Life of a College Couple

Having a serious relationship while in college can be quite challenging. Having a serious relationship in college while only one of the two people actually attends college is even tougher. Have a serious relationship including both of these two scenarios and then adding in a drive time of 2 1/2 hrs between the two participants homes and you've got Billy & I.

I'm not one of those people that believes everyone needs to go to college. I won't list the reasons why, but if you want a good laugh on why college isn't for everyone you should totally watch this video on Youtube called  "5 Reasons College Could be a Waste of Your Time". It's great and that title will link you to it. Point being made, college wasn't for me so I chose to work full-time. (All those A's in school for none! Darn.)

As our story goes, Billy is one of the people that actually does need college to advance his career. And I fully support him! He even got a full scholarship, which is such a blessing knowing we won't have undergrad debt hanging over our heads when we start out. He is receiving a phenomenal education at OSU and he is better off there than anywhere else for his particular major.
Unfortunately, we realized after the fact that this particular major consumes almost all of his time away. So for the past 3 years of his college life we have been maintaining love by phone calls and 1 or 2 visits a month. Sometimes 6-8 week spans. And may I say, it is tough!
Not tough as in hard to keep the love, but hard to maintain a joyful heart in the midst of the toughness. If it weren't for God and the joy I get from spending time with Him, I honestly don't know how I'd handle it. I'm sure Billy would say the same. I do however have a whole new respect for military wives in the last few years! Goodness those women really have a God-given gift.

This all comes about on days like today when I just had to send Billy off, back on his long drive to school. He was home for a grand total of 24 hours, after a 2 week span and will be gone for the next 3. My heart just grows weary sometimes. We keep saying "Soon, very soon!" every time we get sad. So I'm clinging to that!
Soon enough there will be lazy Sundays that don't end in tears, mornings of brewing coffee and work send-offs, setting a table for two, and my absolute favorite- no more "Goodbye"s.

From the support my parents give me, to the great company our friends provide, to the love and encouragement I get at the feet of Jesus, I truly know that Billy & I's relationship really is only possible when you give a girl grace. And a lot of it.

(Sending love to all of the other couples out there also enduring the college journey together!)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Confession {Of the White-Girl sort}

So my name is Britney. And I have a confession.

I love line dances.

Cupid shuffle, cha cha slide, etc. And now after today, the Wobble.
It's SO much fun. Have you ever done it? If you'd like to learn how and then give it a shot, click here. (Do it.)

Funny thing is, I am so "white."

I bake cookies and crochet. Not much else. One of my employees today even asked me, "Britney, have you always been 40 years old?"
And I really don't have a defense.
But I must say, God must have been having a humor-filled day when he gave the person the idea to invent this dance.
I could go on and on. I think everyone needs to find something ridiculous and just DO it sometimes. It relieves stress, it makes you laugh, and the best part- It will usually make others laugh too. I'm sure my cousin's downstairs neighbors probably didn't appreciate the 3 of us jumping around tonight though.

This post had nothing to do with grace, not much to do with anything relevant, really. Unless you count the grace I'm being given by my friends when they watch me try to dance.

Just wait 'til the wedding. (314 days)


Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Season of Change & Forgiveness

"Do not let the opinions of others consume you."

Wow. It's a lot to take in; such an easy statement, yet so much in it. If anyone is anything like me, your first reaction to reading or hearing such a quote is "Of course not! Why would you? I sure don't."

I so wish I let myself off the hook that easily sometimes. To say the least, its been a rough few weeks. I've let opinions about me from family, friends, and even coworkers get the best of me at times. There have been days where the only things that helps relieve my heavy heart is just a good, long cry with my daddy God.
Swarmed by the well-meaning and helpful words of "Just don't let it bother you"-s and "Why does their opinion matter?"-s from loved ones, you realize words can only go so far. But Jesus knows just how to solve all the heart-ache and woe-me's.


Whether you are a Christian or not, I don't think anyone would disagree that forgiveness isn't always the easiest thing to spew out. But I can attest from personal experience that it is a whole lot easier to dish out when I dwell on the grace I  have been given myself by Jesus. 
Earlier in the year, I faced a confrontation with someone that struck me to my core. An opinion from someone that a young woman at my stage in life desperately seeks approval from. Why did I let it affect me so? I have no Idea. It shouldn't have, really. But I am so happy to share, by the grace of God, I forgave that person just this past week. It took a few months, but hey. No reason why, it just sort of happened. And I felt that peace that Jesus always talks about- the kind that goes straight to your core and heart, filling you with love for them. Love! In fact, at the same exact time I reached forgiveness for this person, another relationship in my life dissipated with more negative opinions and I reached forgiveness withing a few days. My heart was on a roll! So much heaviness, met almost instantly with so much forgiveness! I thought I had finally found some rest, surely!

And then another opinion came around. With more disputes, lies and brokenness. All of this in 2 weeks! All I could keep saying is "God, why? Why so much pain? Why is it all seemingly my fault?" And what does He do? I go to church today and just get a boat load of happiness. And more forgiveness in my heart. And I know now that maybe my opinion can help change their circumstance.

 I believe in speaking life over people and circumstances. Instead of sulking over the negativity seemingly thrown my way, I choose to speak life over those people, speak blessing over their own hurt. And maybe, just maybe, grace will heal others around me just as much as it has for myself. (Even if at times, happiness does not show on my face).

I believe Autumn is more than just a season. For me at least, is symbolizes so much more; Change, shedding of the old, and beauty. Is it a coincident that today is the first day of Fall and I am reaching this revelation? I personally don't think so- I think God is just that good. A song we sang in church today really sums it all up.
"And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then who could stand against?"
And who can stand against? Who can stop us? Certainly not an opinion. Certainly not heart-ache. Certainly not lies, as awful as they may seem. We choose joy and we choose peace. And together, we will await the blessings that will unlock before our eyes. God's good for His word.
 As my fiance and I try and navigate this life together and feel out the paths God has for us, I am definitely learning more and more to expect extraordinary things when you give a girl grace.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wedding tasks are...well, tasks.

Guest lists, reception venues and churches, photographers and videographers....AH!

My brain has slightly exploded over the last few months with the wedding planning that has had to be done. I thought I had it all under control, thinking "Oh hey, this won't be so bad- I have Pinterest!" But I was wrong. (If anything, 'Pinning' things made it's like creative ADHD)

Don't get me wrong - I am loving every second of being a bride-to-be, and having a loving fiance who is willing to help makes everything worth-while. But I just can't stress how much there actually is to do.
And all the questions that go through your mind!

"Will my reception be fun?"
"Will my reception be TOO fun?"
"Will people think my dress is pretty?"
"Will I be pretty?"
"Do I really need waterproof makeup? What if I can't get it off?"
"Our guest list is HOW big?"
"Food & alcohol & flowers are we really need any?"
"Do the bridal girls and I really need shoes? What's wrong with being 'earthy'?"
"Do people really pay for 300 tubes of bubbles?"

And the list goes on. In reality, Billy and I want our wedding to be so much fun for our guests. Frankly, I think I care a little too much sometimes. As I have also been told by countless others. Maybe they're on to something. But until then, I will continue.

I've been dreaming of this day since before my memory, and now with Bill in the picture it is a perfect dream. I know one day it will all be over, and once we settle into our new little home we will treasure the wedding memories. You only get one! So even though it is a lot of work, I embrace it. I pray that everyone that shares our "Big Day" with us walk away not only with good memories, but with blessings. I know God has big plans for us as a married couple, so I say, why not throw a big party?

As Billy has learned to deal with my constant stress, we both know wedding tasks go a lot smoother when you give a girl grace.

(Thank you Billy!)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Welcome !

This is my new blog. I have never had one before, and am thrilled to be able to share stories, testimonies and interesting things that happen to me! (which is often). I am usually clumsy or have crazy stories with customers at work, so I don't believe there will ever be a dull day. Jesus fills my thoughts on a regular basis, as well as many other random things. I hope my stories are enjoyable, and thoughts relatable! A special thanks to my cousin, Alyssa, for helping me set this up (:

As I've learned many times over the past 2 years and can't wait to share, great things happen when you give a girl grace;