Monday, September 29, 2014

I'm Back!

It's been a while.

I'm in the process of re-vamping the blog, and it takes a long time! I'm not very tech-savvy. I am sad that I didn't get to walk everyone through the crazy summer of weddings and melt-downs, but I promise to fill it all in.

I'm a wife now! To a spectacular guy. There are so many stories to be shared! So many goof-ups.

Bear with me as I try to revive the life of this site over the weeks and get back to posting weekly.

Thanks for the grace!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Just GO

Does anyone else have a passion to travel?
Not just the "oh, that place looks cool to see someday," but the "I-NEED-to-go!" kind?
I am part of the latter.
I wouldn't consider it a positive or a negative. 
It's both. 
Positive, because what a beautiful dream to have! To want to see the world and all that God made. I mean really, what is the point of beauty except to be seen? I'll take that job any day.
It is only negative because it is not in my life line of to-dos right now. I have a full-time job, I have bills and an apartment, I have a fiancé and a wedding coming up this summer, and pets to care for. Who can just pick up and go?

Some people do. Some people have the finances and freedom to really squeeze all the beauty of life into their eyes.
I'd love to go see the most crystal clear Flathead Lake in Montana. Go see Calf Creek Falls in Utah. Go on the River Walk in San Antonio, Texas. Go star gazing in Michigan. Walk in the valleys in Ireland. Site-see in London. Stare at the ocean from a cliff-side cottage in Greece.

Any maybe someday I will!

I believe God puts our passions in our hearts. The real passions. I've always been a home-body, wanting security and stability. All of the sudden in the last 5-ish years, I want to go everywhere!
Where the heck does that come from? I used to love the idea of my 9-5 job going steady until I became a housewife and mom. Now, I want to be a housewife and mother who goes beautiful places.

I know its not rational, and that God has blessed Bill and I with his education and a good long-term plan. And I am happy with the hand I've been dealt giving me Bill and our future together. I know he will excel at his job, and we will not lack. It will be a beautiful adventure.

My fiancé knows my love to travel. (At least I think.) He just this week booked our honeymoon to a resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. I'm thrilled! The sights we will see! I even need a passport for this.

In honor of my passion, I am going to be making a collage canvas of a poem/quote I found online. It speaks to me so deeply, I need to have it on my wall. Maybe even over my bed. Every word and sentence is the essence of my heart. I hope others can enjoy it as well, and that in our lives we all come to realize -at some point- that the only restrictions we have are the ones we give ourselves. I believe that God intends for all of us to see the beauty He created in this life, in our own ways and our own time;

From something as extravagant as traveling this world, to something as whimsical as walking through the woods on a foggy summer morning.

"I want to live simply.
 I want to sit by the window when it rains
 and read a book I'll never be tested on.
                                     I want to paint because I want to,
not because I've got something to prove.
I want to listen to my body,
fall asleep when the moon is high
and wake up slowly,
with no place to rush off to.
I want not to be governed by money
or clocks or any of the artificial
restraints that humanity
imposes on itself. I just want to be,
boundless and infinite."

Monday, February 10, 2014

Well Done, Sailor

 This weekend was one that is not to be forgotten.
My little brother of 18 graduated Naval basic on Friday February 7th. He has been away at the Great Lakes Navy base going through training for 8 weeks. I was happy and lucky enough to receive many letters from him as well as a few phone calls!
Either way, it was a long 8 weeks. Especially with celebrating Christmas and New Years for the first time without him.

We left on the car ride to Chicago Thursday evening with my parents, sisters and I and my brother's mutual friend, Josh.
We got to the hotel around 11 Thursday night, meeting our Aunt Mary who flew in from Florida.
After only like 5 hours of sleep, my parents, aunt and I were off to the graduation.
Of course we would have to wait an hour in line - outside - to gain admittance to the ceremony. And of course, it would be -5 outside. I don't think I've ever been more freezing in my life!
When we finally got inside and found a seat the ceremony started. As all of the divisions marched in from a door leading outside, I was basically jumping out of my skin waiting for Matthew. I wanted to see him! See him in his new uniform, see if he looked any different!
Division 088
When him and his Division got in the door and came down the isle way, I found him! He looked so grown up. As soon as we were allowed to go find them downstairs and they announced liberty I took off. I found him right away! I've never missed my brother so much. I didn't want to stop hugging him.
He did look older. Much older. In his blue uniform with his cap on.
We only had from noon until 7:30, when he had to be back on base. Then he was stuck there again until 1:00am when we would meet him at the airport for a few hours before his flight.

When we got him back to the hotel, we celebrated a late Christmas with him. I think he was pretty excited to open some presents. Josh and my sisters had decorated the room while we were gone; lights, a mini tree, and even Christmas music!
He told us stories from basic; how his friends would call him "cinnamon stick" because they couldn't pronounce Simoncic. (Don't worry Matthew, I've already got the Apple Jacks cinna-mon printed out, waiting for your face to be pasted on.) How his favorite part of basic was cleaning the bathrooms because they could goof off in there. And how he didn't like wearing the assigned "skivvies" so he didn't, and others followed suit. Then they got in trouble.

Matthew wanted to go to downtown Chicago for our day together, so that's what we did. We went to the Hershey store, and other places on Michigan Avenue. If only it wasn't so cold! He would have graduation on a day that was below zero. But we did really enjoy going to the famous Giordano's Pizza for some Chicago deep dish. And it was fantastic. I had a great time seeing my brother in a daily task as simple as eating together. 

We had to get him back by 7:30, and we did. Even through traffic on Chicago highways, during rush hour, on a Friday. Back on base, (and through the trip) I think I've bought enough Navy and "Proud Navy Sister" apparel enough to last me 10 years. I think that's okay though. I'm allowed to be proud. And so are my parents. And basically anyone that knows him.
My family and I got a quick doze back at the hotel from about 9pm-1am and then it was off to O'Hare. Which was about a 45 minute drive. It felt like nothing though; we had energy drinks and skittles and I was ready to spend all night there if it meant getting more time with him! After wandering around baggage claims and terminals, we found the USO lodgings and terminal where all the sailors were waiting- Mounds of green duffle bags and back packs laying around, a few families sitting with their Navy loved-ones waiting for boarding. We sort of created our own pow-wow circle by a grouping of bags and just sat. We ate our candy and just...hung out. And it was fantastic.
Do we realize in today's world how often we don't do that? When we should? If I knew my brother would end up over 700+ miles away from me before I even married, hell I would have pow-wowed every day.

Don't waste time.


After a while we decided to go check out the USO room. The one we visited at Hopkins before Matthew left for basic was so nice, comfortable, and welcoming. Unfortunately, there were so many sailors shipping out, families couldn't wait with them in the lodgings. (Which was hella sweet, by the way.) So despite Matthew's new friends asking if he was going to hang out in there, and my dad assuring Matthew that he could stay in there for a while and we'd be fine, he chose to walk away. And we returned to our floor-sitting, candy-eating circle.
I don't think my brother will ever understand how much that meant. To me at least. I'm sure my family identifies with my feelings, though. Maybe I'm over-emotional, feeling all "you-don't-know-what-you-have-'til-its-gone," but I treasured every moment sitting on my coat in the airport. And if I could do it again I would. Everything was an adventure. Even going to the which I realized you change the automatic liner on the toilet before you sit, not after. Who reads directions to go to the bathroom...? Apparently I will from now on.

Time came for him to go through security. Ugh, 4:45. So I hugged him. And everyone else hugged him. And I hugged him again. And he was off to get in line. 
For the rest of my life, I will probably remember watching the back of his head walking in line as we were going back up the escalator to work our way out. I just keep feeling like saying "Hey, military, don't you know I need him too?"
Its probably over-dramatic. Probably insignificant to those who haven't had to do it. And no, my brother isn't in harm's way. Its not like he's being deployed and I have a fear of not seeing him again. But he's still...gone.
From daily life, anyway. I can still text and call him, a luxury we did not have while he was in basic.

I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea here about my feelings.

I am 100% happy for my brother. I know he is exactly where he is supposed to be. I respect and admire our military members, and know my brother is completely noble in his joining. In our car ride, I asked him if he was still the "same," and he said yes. And he was- same personality, same goofiness, same softness. Basic hadn't turned him into some lean, mean, killing machine that's cold. But he was different. In a good way. Structure looked good on him. He walked straighter. Looked taller. Seemed ready for orders. Seemed respectful. Looked purpose-filled. Seemed...grown up. He had this...honorable air about him that you associate with old-school "yes ma'am" military men in movies. There's really no other words I can find to describe how my little brother looked.
 The Navy looked good on him.

We're still not completely sure if he will be able to have leave for Bill & mine's wedding. Matthew seems fairly confident, but I told him not to tell me unless he knows for sure. Too much stress.
If there's one thing I learned for sure these past two months -and especially the last 5 days- is that distance truly does make the heart grow fonder. I already knew this because of my fiance being in Columbus for 4 years, but even more-so with my brother. So how do we cope with the sadness?

Matching tattoos, of course.

My brother told me that the Naval Compass Rose symbolizes always being able to find your way home. He wants to get one over his left pec, and I will be doing the same. Higher up. With some added tweaks of my own. (I can't be too masculine, now)

But that's that! 
The unforgettable trip. 
The ever life-altering scenario.
My view.
But I sure love my Sailor.
Well done, cinnamon stick.

moments after finding him


Friday, January 17, 2014

Can You Spare a Quarter?

Apartment life has definitely been a blessing! But also extremely life-changing for me. Its amazing how fulfilling and happy it makes me to have a few hours one day to clean, do dishes, do laundry, and possibly cook some real food other than bagels.
So many little things pop up that no one ever thinks about while living at home. Granted, yes I was fully aware of small daily tasks at home, such as taking out the garbage, cleaning up the living room, etc. Most people (I hope) are, even as teens. But you don't realize how time comsuming - HOW NECESSARY- these little daily tasks are until you live on your own. If you don't do them, no one will! And if you want a presentable, cozy & clean home to come home to every night after work, strap the rubber gloves on.
And you don't realize how much hair falls out of your head everywhere every day until you live with another girl and have to sweep! (Jenelle and I are quite the shedders. Long hair problems, I guess.)

My biggest hurdle has been laundry. I DO keep up with it fine! I even separate my whites from darks....only because the washing machine here isn't big enough for both, though. I'm not that mom-ish yet to care. Why do my work socks need to be bleach-white anyway? Who cares.


But the quarters to start the machines. Oh, the quarters. It takes 10 quarters a load! So, on my day off, if I do both of my loads, its 20 quarters. Yeah, that's what I said. Who just has loads of quarters laying around?
So of course I've been scrounging. A quarter from someone at work, 2 from my car, finding them, whatever.
And I am proud to say as I type this that I have accumulated enough to put in a load of whites this morning.
I may have gambled to win 8 of those quarters from my employees at work, but that's okay too. As long as I have a clean pair of white, ankle-covering, uniform-approved socks for work today, I'm happy.

(No, This is not the 1st load of laundry I've done since moving day.)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Little Beauties

My eyes -physical and spiritual- have been glued to the little things going on in my life.
For those who know me, you know I have been in wedding-planning mode since 2012! Slowly and surely, being sure to take my time and enjoy every aspect of planning...this will only happen ONCE in my life! And God has blessed Bill and I with a wedding season almost 3 years in length. How lucky are we?! That's a lot of cherished moments.

As wedding prices and "normal" wedding budgets rear their ugly heads, from Pinterest to wedding websites, I was beginning to get overwhelmed; the wedding is 7 months away today!  And I feel as if nothing is done! Or at least, I will be broke by the time it IS. (Probably the latter.)

But God said "No"

The word "No" from God is ever so sweet when it comes concerning your fears. 
Will we be broke after this wedding? "No"
Will I lose my mind? "No"
Will we rush so much, I will miss the joy of this season? "No"
Rather, all I keep hearing in my heart is "Be still, and know that I am God." (Pslam 46:10)
Never, in my life, has God tangibly proven His presence in my life. I mean like solid, undeniable, unquestionable, crazy, stupid favor.

Please, let me list them off. I will start with my apartment situation, and go from there.
- I am so content and so at peace with my living arrangement. Be-a-u-t-i-f-u-l apartment.
- I absolutely adore my roommate; one of the best decisions of my life
- Almost my entire apartment is furnished with hand-me-downs, family heirlooms, and thrift store finds. And i love it all so much, I don't even know what Billy and I will put on our wedding registry.
- My mother-in-law has given me a couch, and gorgeous (no exaggeration, no falling short) solid dark wood bedroom furniture. Billy and I will probably have it our entire lives. I don't know what could replace such beauty.
- I have received 4 new pairs of tennis shoes in a time when I really needed new ones and don't have spare cash. Now I have options!
-I have an adorable cat, who is more like a dog than a cat. Score!
- I have been able to purchase a $1600 KING size pillow-top mattress for $800 in September, pay it off in increments of my choice, and have it delivered in August to mine&Billy's home. No lay-away fee.
-Today, got King size flannel bed sheets for $20. Twenty. Dollars.

That's my home-life.Amazing. On top of that, the wedding blessings are rolling in. God is just soaking Bill&I with provision, and I need to tell people!

- I am getting my dream wedding dress custom made for $500 cheaper than at a bridal store I saw a similar dress at. AND she is a family friend. You can check her out by clicking here and support a private-owned business.
-We are getting our church venue, tech work, and a musician for a grand total of about $250
- Our wedding date got double booked, so we are having it on a Friday now and saving $2/head for our 300 count guest list
- A long-time friend of my mother's is doing our wedding cake! Sure to be more affordable than a shop.
-Billy's Aunt is doing all of our floral work. We pay for the flowers, and she is doing our arrangements and center-pieces for f-r-e-e
-To make said center-pieces, I have been blessed to be working at Jimmy Johns and have been able to save all of our glass Grey Poupon jars over the last 2 years. Mason Jars. Free. I have probably close to 80. Again I say, f-r-e-e.
-We just got an email from our catering company, telling us that all of the metal folding chairs that get used at our venue (usually couples just rent chair covers for them) have been replaced with brand-new plastic wedding chairs. So they will be included for our wedding day. No chair covers needed.
-Billy and I have been needing to set up food tasting. Near impossible, as Billy will only be home once a month this semester. This week, I got an email that there is an open house at our catering company to try all their foods and ask questions on Sunday, January 26th. Billy comes home for an already-planned visit on Friday the 24th-26th.
-We met with our officiant for pre-marital counseling last week. Not only does he see us doing quite well-off, but Billy and I had a very intimate one-on-one Starbucks date the week prior and grew so much as a couple, as we saw that almost all of our answers in our booklets were identical. Not because they were all ideal, but because we both knew what the other wanted and what we expect from eachother and is expected from us by each other.

Now the biggest one. Photography.

It has been my dream to have 2 photographers. Wedding photography is hella-expensive. We would be pushing it affording just one. I mean $2-$3k for photos? Its totally worth it- wedding photos are priceless- but I can't afford that price.
That being said, my beautiful friend Abby offered to do ours. For Free. I was ecstatic. On cloud 9. Free photos AND I love this girl. What a great way to share my day with her! I still wanted 2 photographers, but Billy and I decided to have her, and then maybe find a 2nd person to pay at a reasonable price, also.
Same day, I get an offer from from another friend. Her husband has been in photography for 10 years, and offered to shoot our wedding. For free.
So here I am, little me, with all these blessings already, and this happens to me. I about hit thankfulness overload. TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS?! Really God? For a grand total of $0.

And that's that. I just needed to share. I am fully expecting more blessings. I just had my live band contact me today and say they can't make our wedding date. I am sad, but after God's track record I can't help but sit here and think "Oh my, who do we have in store for us then?!"

God is good. He provides. He CARES about the little things. All these little beauties around us in life.
 I am blessed and I am content. Most of all, I'm excited! 
And that's what happens,
When You Give a Girl Grace
