For those who know me, you know I have been in wedding-planning mode since 2012! Slowly and surely, being sure to take my time and enjoy every aspect of planning...this will only happen ONCE in my life! And God has blessed Bill and I with a wedding season almost 3 years in length. How lucky are we?! That's a lot of cherished moments.
As wedding prices and "normal" wedding budgets rear their ugly heads, from Pinterest to wedding websites, I was beginning to get overwhelmed; the wedding is 7 months away today! And I feel as if nothing is done! Or at least, I will be broke by the time it IS. (Probably the latter.)
But God said "No"
The word "No" from God is ever so sweet when it comes concerning your fears.
Will we be broke after this wedding? "No"
Will I lose my mind? "No"
Will we rush so much, I will miss the joy of this season? "No"
Rather, all I keep hearing in my heart is "Be still, and know that I am God." (Pslam 46:10)
Never, in my life, has God tangibly proven His presence in my life. I mean like solid, undeniable, unquestionable, crazy, stupid favor.
Please, let me list them off. I will start with my apartment situation, and go from there.
- I am so content and so at peace with my living arrangement. Be-a-u-t-i-f-u-l apartment.
- I absolutely adore my roommate; one of the best decisions of my life
- Almost my entire apartment is furnished with hand-me-downs, family heirlooms, and thrift store finds. And i love it all so much, I don't even know what Billy and I will put on our wedding registry.
- My mother-in-law has given me a couch, and gorgeous (no exaggeration, no falling short) solid dark wood bedroom furniture. Billy and I will probably have it our entire lives. I don't know what could replace such beauty.
- I have received 4 new pairs of tennis shoes in a time when I really needed new ones and don't have spare cash. Now I have options!
-I have an adorable cat, who is more like a dog than a cat. Score!
- I have been able to purchase a $1600 KING size pillow-top mattress for $800 in September, pay it off in increments of my choice, and have it delivered in August to mine&Billy's home. No lay-away fee.
-Today, got King size flannel bed sheets for $20. Twenty. Dollars.
That's my home-life.Amazing. On top of that, the wedding blessings are rolling in. God is just soaking Bill&I with provision, and I need to tell people!
- I am getting my dream wedding dress custom made for $500 cheaper than at a bridal store I saw a similar dress at. AND she is a family friend. You can check her out by clicking here and support a private-owned business.
-We are getting our church venue, tech work, and a musician for a grand total of about $250
- Our wedding date got double booked, so we are having it on a Friday now and saving $2/head for our 300 count guest list
- A long-time friend of my mother's is doing our wedding cake! Sure to be more affordable than a shop.
-Billy's Aunt is doing all of our floral work. We pay for the flowers, and she is doing our arrangements and center-pieces for f-r-e-e
-To make said center-pieces, I have been blessed to be working at Jimmy Johns and have been able to save all of our glass Grey Poupon jars over the last 2 years. Mason Jars. Free. I have probably close to 80. Again I say, f-r-e-e.
-We just got an email from our catering company, telling us that all of the metal folding chairs that get used at our venue (usually couples just rent chair covers for them) have been replaced with brand-new plastic wedding chairs. So they will be included for our wedding day. No chair covers needed.
-Billy and I have been needing to set up food tasting. Near impossible, as Billy will only be home once a month this semester. This week, I got an email that there is an open house at our catering company to try all their foods and ask questions on Sunday, January 26th. Billy comes home for an already-planned visit on Friday the 24th-26th.
-We met with our officiant for pre-marital counseling last week. Not only does he see us doing quite well-off, but Billy and I had a very intimate one-on-one Starbucks date the week prior and grew so much as a couple, as we saw that almost all of our answers in our booklets were identical. Not because they were all ideal, but because we both knew what the other wanted and what we expect from eachother and is expected from us by each other.
Now the biggest one. Photography.
It has been my dream to have 2 photographers. Wedding photography is hella-expensive. We would be pushing it affording just one. I mean $2-$3k for photos? Its totally worth it- wedding photos are priceless- but I can't afford that price.
That being said, my beautiful friend Abby offered to do ours. For Free. I was ecstatic. On cloud 9. Free photos AND I love this girl. What a great way to share my day with her! I still wanted 2 photographers, but Billy and I decided to have her, and then maybe find a 2nd person to pay at a reasonable price, also.
Same day, I get an offer from from another friend. Her husband has been in photography for 10 years, and offered to shoot our wedding. For free.
So here I am, little me, with all these blessings already, and this happens to me. I about hit thankfulness overload. TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS?! Really God? For a grand total of $0.
And that's that. I just needed to share. I am fully expecting more blessings. I just had my live band contact me today and say they can't make our wedding date. I am sad, but after God's track record I can't help but sit here and think "Oh my, who do we have in store for us then?!"
God is good. He provides. He CARES about the little things. All these little beauties around us in life.
I am blessed and I am content. Most of all, I'm excited!
And that's what happens,
When You Give a Girl Grace
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