Hey everyone!
Its been a while, as I have been treading the waters of packing boxes, moving, setting up, etc. Busy weeks to say the least. And as I have a pile of dishes in the sink and one more box awaiting me to be unpacked, naturally I'd procrastinate and write my first blog post from my new apartment! What a thrill.
Living with my roomie and friend, Jenelle, has been fun! We kind of work opposite schedules and are almost never home at the same time, but when we are home we get along great.
Its been odd adjusting to living with someone other than a family member (for me at least) and its cool to see how we've learned to mold to the other's routines. The little things have been the most intriguing. For instance, can I use that bathroom drawer, or you? Or, when do you wanna shower? Oh, morning? Okay you go first. We both have plates? Okay...where to put 80 million plates. Don't want my cat in your bed? Oh...here's a spray bottle, good luck...
And mugs.
We both have so many coffee/tea mugs, our main kitchen cupboard is dedicated to mugs and mugs alone. I love it. But it took us a few days to even collect enough silverware. Priorities, psh.
But I think the most hilarious thing we have encountered yet has been the mystery of the "Everything" Bagels sitting in the freezer. The whole first week we lived together, we both were eating from the same bad of Cinnamon Raisin bagels in the bread drawer. Every time I'd see her take one of my bagels, I'd just think "Well, no harm no foul. I can share I guess."
And then one day we got to the last bagel.
On a Saturday morning while making breakfast, Jenelle said something to the effect of "Oh, you've been eating my bagels." I was befuddled. I stared for second and said "No....you've been eating MY bagels..."
We both just stood there, stunned, in our little checkered-floor kitchen, not knowing what to do.
I could have SWORN I bought those cinnamon bagels. Those are my go-to bagels! So I say "Aren't those your Everything bagels in the freezer...?"
Jenelle says no. I know I didn't buy them...
We go back and forth for about 10 minutes about these darn bagels! Who bought them?! Who bought the cinnamon raisin ones?! Why is this happening so early in the morning?!
Turns out I bought them. I suppose. Makes sense. I love everything bagels. I do NOT remember buying them.
This realization of a mystery solved ends with me on the floor laughing til I almost pee my already-been-washed-in-a-$1.25-per-load pants, and Jenelle losing it.
So instead of us asking eachother, all week we just assumed that the other was stealing our bagels. Seems logical.
Oh, the joys of living with a roommate.
Good thing Jenelle knows how to give this girl a little grace. Especially living with my new kitten who just loves to take attempts on her life & sanity every day- It's a work in progress (: Thank goodness he doesn't mind being locked in linen closets for short spurts.
Love you, Roomie!!
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